Nazi Alex Chubbuck of Boyertown, PA

Almost a year ago to the day, antifascists shut down a joint action between NJEHA, Embrace Struggle, Garden State Nationalists, and others in the Princeton, NJ area. Local antifascists received a tip from a concerned Princeton area resident that white supremacists were at a Walmart on the outskirts of Princeton. Based on this tip, the fascists soon found themselves unexpectedly surveilled. All fascists present were visibly taken by surprise, as they were caught with their masks down and were not expecting anyone other than their own comrades to be present.

Some nazis on site at the Princeton area Walmart were known to antifascists, such as Dan D’ambly and Ron Sheehy, but others were not, and remained unidentified- until now. One of these unidentified nazis has now been positively identified as former Philly anarchist punk Alex Chubbuck of Boyerstown, PA.

Alex Chubbuck. The photo on the left of Chubbuck was taken at the Princeton area Walmart as NJEHA and other NJ-based nazis were gathering for a rally. The photo on the right is a recent photo of Chubbuck in every day street wear.

Chubbuck was recently identified by those in the Tristate area (NJ, PA, NYC) punk scene who recognized him from his former days as an anarchist and lead singer of the now defunct Philly punk band, Iron Wind. Chubbuck went by the front name “Nargoth” or “Nar” for short and was a part of the Philly punk and anarchist scene from 2016 to 2020/2021. He was also a part of a few other punk bands and had a personal anarchist music project called N.E.G.

Documentation of Chubbuck’s time as an anarchist in the Philly punk scene. This includes the band he fronted, Iron Wind, and other bands he was in at the time like Instinct? and Aresholes. His one-man anarchist music project N.E.G. is also featured.

Chubbuck has been a hard line neo-nazi for the last two years, becoming a full member of S14, WLM PA/NJ, NJEHA, and an associate of other nazi crews like Embrace Struggle in 2023. In 2023 he created the Telegram handle “@AgeofIron”, likely a reference to his former band Iron Wind, when he became a full fledged member of the different local nazi crews.

Chubbuck’s Telegram handle.


When Chubbuck was added as a formal member to one of the S14 chats. Note the 2023 date at the top of this picture.

Reports indicate that Chubbuck was radicalized into a neo-nazi sometime in 2021 after he was kicked out of both the Philly punk scene and anarchist mutual aid spaces for a litany of bad behavior.

Tracing Chubbuck’s online footprint reveals much about his past and current beliefs/activities. In the mid 2000’s when Chubbuck was 15 years old he created the online handle “abomb990” and applied it across all of his different accounts. At this time, Chubbuck was very active online through sites like Deviant Art, Flickr, and YouTube, displaying his art, talking about his day to day life, and sharing his interest in music. During this time, Chubbuck appeared to be very apolitical, with no discernible political tendencies, and instead was interested in music, art, video games, school, and cannabis.

Chubbuck’s Flikr and Deviant Art profiles. He used his full legal name along with his “abomb990” handle, solidifying the connection between his actual identity and his well saturated username.

Chubbuck was involved in the Philly punk scene for several years, starting in 2016 when he moved from his hometown of Ambler, PA to the city proper and began to immerse himself in the local scene. Chubbuck took on a visage similar to other punk anarchists, decking himself out in piercings, homemade tattoos, and DIY clothing.

Chubbuck during his time as a Philly punk. In the two photos on the left he can be seen wearing an iron cross. While iron crosses can be used to signify national socialist beliefs, it is not a symbol used exclusively to reflect this, and has been adopted by biker, punk, and goth subcultures. Due to Chubbuck’s well documented anarchist politics at this time in his life it is not believed that his usage of it here reflected national socialist beliefs.

Chubbuck also became involved in different anarchist mutual aid spaces at this point and participated in day-to-day work and larger events to provide the Philly community with different resources. His band, Iron Wind, played a number of different anarchist and punk events, further solidifying his politics at this time.

Some of the anarchist and punk scene events that Chubbuck’s band played when he was an anarchist.

Once Chubbuck was kicked out of the scene in 2020/2021 he slowly began to radicalize towards the far right. At the time of publishing it is not clear what caused Chubbuck’s radical shift from the far left to the far right. Unlike another former antifascist turned neo-nazi, Paul Minton, Chubbuck had no prior history as a white nationalist to possibly explain his shift to fascism. Evidence of his shift can be seen from his more recent online activity.

Chubbuck’s YouTube account, which bares his username “abomb990” along with the logo of his now defunct Philly punk band Iron Wind.

As seen in the photo above Chubbuck commented 8 months ago on a Screwdriver video, a well known white nationalist band, with not so subtle white nationalist sympathies. This also occurred well after the Princeton area Walmart incident where he was unmasked by antifascists.

Chubbuck currently lives in Boyerstown, PA and runs his own licensed business Skyline Interiors, where he installs custom window installations and blinds. The business serves the greater Philadelphia area.

Facebook details about Chubbuck’s business Skyline Interiors.

Based on customer reviews, social media activity, and overall online presence it appears Chubbuck’s business has either greatly slowed or may be dormant for the last two years. Regardless, concerned individuals are encouraged to report Skyline Interiors, reach out directly to the business through secure means, and post reviews informing the public of Chubbuck’s neo-nazi ties. Other than Facebook, Chubbuck’s business has a website, a build zoom account, and a home advisor account. This article can be linked and used as evidence.

Chubbuck has betrayed anarchism, antifascism, and his former community in the most disgusting way possible. The militant left must handle him and he must be held accountable for his actions.

S14 members: With addition of Alex Chubbuck, eight of your people have been identified and doxxed including Benjamin Ryder, Jackson Bradley, Paul Minton, Daisy McGowan, Mathew Bair, Mark Kauffman, and Sara Sheaffer. If you continue to operate, more of your members will be exposed and the pressure will increase. You will be held responsible for the nazi filth that you are.